Dr. David F. Philpott


Doctor of Education (Special Education - Community Rehabilitation and Disability Studies)

University of Calgary, 2003. Dissertation topic: A Phenomenological Study of Parents’

Experience with Interagency Case Planning. (Supervisor: Dr. N. Marlett)

Master of Education (Educational Psychology)

Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1995. Thesis Topic: More Than Mere Vanity, Men with Eating Disorders. (Supervisor: Dr. G. Sheppard)

Bachelor of Special Education Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1991

Bachelor of Arts (Education) Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1985


Current Private consultant and researcher

2000 - 2020 Professor, Faculty of Education, Memorial University of Newfoundland

2003 - 2018 Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary

1995-2020 Private Practice (counselling and assessment - Certified Canadian Counsellor [#4832- Retired] Canadian Counselling & Psychotherapy Association)
Operated a private clinical practice in child development with a particular focus on assessment. Conducted comprehensive assessments to inform individual support plans and direct interventions to ensure optimal development. This included children, adolescents, adults and large-scale assessments on groups of individuals. Worked collaboratively with multiple disciplines including paediatrics, psychiatry, social work, occupational therapy and speech/language pathology.

1997-00 Counsellor/Consultant. Aspens & Oaks Counselling Services, St. John’s, NL.

1997-00 Sessional Instructor, Faculty of Education, MUN

1997-00 Administrator, District School, Avalon East School Board

1997 Program Administrator, Special Services, Avalon East School Board

1995-97 Educational Psychologist, Roman Catholic School Board for St. John’s

1990-95 Department Head, Special Education, Holy Heart High School, St. John’s

1987-90 Special Education Teacher, Holy Heart High School, St. John’s

1985-87 Special Education Teacher, St. Pius X School, Baie Verte, NL

1983-85 Group Home Coordinator/Counsellor (Developmental Delay), St. John’s

Knowledge Transfer

Teaching & Supervision

Memorial University of Newfoundland


Education 6714 - Principles of Exceptionality (web course developed)
Education 6707 - Assessment for Counsellors (new course developed)
Education 6755 - Nature and Assessment of Learning Disabilities (web course developed)


Education 3600 - Academic and Behavioral Assessment
Education 3630 - Nature and Characteristics of Learning Disabilities
Education 3640 - Current Issues in Special Education
Education 3690 - Collaborative Practice
Education 4530 - Inclusive Practices for Students with Learning Disabilities
Education 4505 - Life Skills and Transition Planning
Education 3230 - A Study of Exceptional Children: Physical & Behavioral Differences
Education 3220 - A Study of Exceptional Children: Intellectual Differences
Education 3290 - Identifying Learner Diversity in a Context of Culture
Education 4610 - The Nature and Management of Stress
Education 4240 - An Introduction to the Exceptional Learner
Education 4242 - Identification and Remediation of Learning Difficulties
Education 3650 - Practicum in Special Education

University of Calgary


Education 603.02 - Assessment and Intervention for Children with Special Needs
Education 619.94 - Assessment & Intervention
Education 691.04 - Adapting Curriculum in Schools from K-12


Research projects

Funded Research Projects

(2022-24) Three Year Program Evaluation - Cloudberry Forest School. St. John’s. NL. Funded by: The Lawson Foundation

(2022) Monitor - Assess - Share. The Early Childhood Education Report. Philpott Consulting. The Atkinson Center.

(2021) Maximizing Potential: A Needs Assessment and a Feasibility Study for a Community Based Assessment Service. Learning Disability Association of NL

(2018) The Preemptive Nature of Early Child Education: Lowering participation rates in special education. (Co-investigator)

(2017) Now Is The Time: Report of the Premier’s Task Force on Improving Educational Outcomes. Government of NL. (Co-investigator)

(2011/15) Teaching & Learning Framework: Supporting vulnerable learners. Office of Associate Vice-President Academic. MUN. (Principal Researcher)

(2008) Letter of Intent – CURA. Enhancing the Professional Knowledge Base on LD. Principal Researcher. (Principal Researcher)

(2007) Assessment of students at Newfoundland School for the Deaf. Government of Newfoundland & Labrador. (Private)

(2007) Focusing on Students: Final report of the ISSP/Pathways Commission Government of Newfoundland & Labrador.  (Private)

(2006) Literature review. ISSP/Pathways Review Commission. Government of Newfoundland & Labrador.  (Principal Researcher).

(2006) President’s Grant. Exploring assessment of students with learning disabilities. (Principal Researcher).

(2006) Updated achievement/attendance indicators on Natuashish students. Labrador School Board. (Private)

(2006) Community-University Research Alliance: Building community in the new learning environment. Dr. Jean Brown, P.I. (Co-investigator)

(2004) Recommendations for the development of a culturally defined model of inclusive schools for Innu youth. Department of Indian & Northern Affairs Canada. (Principal Researcher)

(2004) Community-University Research Alliance: Knowledge and human resources for Innu language development. Dr. Marguerite Mackenzie, P.I. (Collaborator)

(2003) Assessment of school-aged population within Innu Nation. Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. (Principal Researcher)

(2002) Certificate on inclusive education. Department of Education, Government of Nunavut and Faculty of Education, MUN. (Principal Researcher)

(1999) Peaceful resolution: Peer mediation in intermediate schools.  John Howard Society, St. John’s, NL. Funded by National Crime Prevention Coalition. (Principal Researcher)

(1997) Developing a learning culture. Brother T. I. Murphy Learning Centre, St. John’s, NL. Funded by National Literacy Secretariat. (Private)

(1997) Learning Disabilities. MUN: Student Handbook. (Private)

(1996) Youth internship program. Brother T. I. Murphy Learning Centre, St. John’s, NL. Funded by Human Resource Development Commission. (Principal Researcher)

(1996) Maximizing potential: Learning disabilities at the post-secondary level. Training manual for The Writing Centre. MUN. (Private)


Publications & presentations

Articles - blind reviewed

Young, G., Philpott, D.F., Butler, E., Maich, K., & Penney, S. (2019). Exploring the impact of quality early child education on special education: Can we prevent placement in special education? Exceptionality Education International, 29(3), 6-21. https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/eei/vol29/iss3/2

Penney, S., Young, G., Butler, E., Maich, K., & Philpott, D.F. (2019). The role of quality ECE in facilitating mental health and well-being in children. Exceptionality Education International, 29(3), 57-76. https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/eei/vol29/iss3/5

Maich, K., Davies, A., Penney, S., Butler, E., Young, G., & Philpott, D.F. (2019). Young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: The earlier we begin, the better. Exceptionality Education International, 29(3), 77-91. https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/eei/vol29/iss3/6

Lawton S., Philpott, D.F., & Furey, E. (2011). Funding Education in a Time of Diversity. International Studies in Educational Administration. 39(1).

Philpott, D.F., Furey, E., & Penney, S. (2010). Promoting leadership in the professional development of teachers: responding to globalization and inclusion. Exceptionality Education International. 20(2). 38-54.

Philpott, D.F. & Sharpe, D. (2010). Delivering web-based courses to high school students in isolated Aboriginal communities: challenges and options. Published conference proceedings: International Conference on Education, Economy and Society. Paris, FR.

Sharpe, D. & Philpott, D.F. (2010). The challenges of improving synchronous web-based high school course delivery in isolated aboriginal community settings. Published conference proceedings: Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education. San Diego, CA.

Philpott, D.F., Sharpe, D. & Neville, R. (2009). The effectiveness of web-delivered learning with aboriginal students: findings from a study in coastal Labrador. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology. 35(3). www.cjlt.ca

Philpott, D.F. & Nesbit, W. (2009).  Approaching educational empowerment: Guidelines from a three year collaborative study involving the Innu of Labrador.  International Indigenous Policy Journal. 1(1). www.iipj.org

Philpott, D.F. & Cahill M. (2008). A Pan-Canadian perspective on the professional knowledge base of learning disabilities. International Journal of Disability and Community Rehabilitation. 7(2), www.ijdcr.ca/

Philpott, D.F. (2007). Assessing without labels: Culturally defined inclusive education. Exceptionality Education Canada. 17(3). p. 3-34.

Burnaby, B. & Philpott, D.F. (2007). Innu oral dominance meets schooling: New data on outcomes. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. 28(4), p.270-289.

Philpott, D.F. (2006). Identifying the learning needs of Innu students: Creating a model of culturally appropriate assessment. Canadian Journal of Native Studies. 26(2). p.361-381.

Nesbit, W.  & Philpott, D.F. (2004). Educational programming implications related to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in First Nations communities. Canadian Association of Principals Journal, 12(2), p.11-13.

Philpott, D.F. (2004). Parents’ experience with interagency case planning. International Journal of Disability and Community Rehabilitation, 2(2), www.ijdcr.ca/

Philpott, D.F. & Nesbit, W.C. (2003). Identifying learner diversity in Canada’s north. The International Journal of Learning, 10,  p.1997-2003.

Philpott, D.F. (2002). A critical analysis of Newfoundland’s model of special education. International Journal of Disability and Community Rehabilitation, 1(3), www.ijdcr.ca/

Nesbit, W. & Philpott, D.F. (2002). Subtle emotional abuse: Implications for classroom teachers. Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 17(2), p.32-38

Philpott, D.F. & Nesbit, W. (2002). Legislative provisions for special education in Newfoundland and Labrador. Exceptionality Education Canada. 11(2-3), p.157-177.

Philpott, D.F. & Sheppard, G. (1998). More than mere vanity: Men with eating disorders. Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 13(4), p.28-33.

Articles - editor reviewed

Philpott, D.F. (Summer 2024). In most provinces 4 year olds aren’t at school, but it’s an economically smart way to create child care spaces. The Conversation Canada. https://theconversation.com

Philpott, D.F. (Summer 2023). Children’s early learning belongs in neighbourhood schools. The Conversation Canada. https://theconversation.com

Philpott, D.F. (Spring 2021). “Generation C”: Why investing in early childhood is critical after COVID-19. The Conversation Canada. https://theconversation.com

Philpott, D.F. (Winter 2019). New research shows quality early childhood education reduces need for later special ed.  The Conversation Canada. https://theconversation.com

Young, G., Philpott, D.F., Maich, K., Penney, S., & Butler, E. (Fall 2019). Quality early child education protects against special educational needs in children. LDAC National.

Philpott, D.F. & Fiedorowicz, C.A.M. (2012). The Supreme Court of Canada ruling on learning disabilities: educational implications. LDAC National. www.ldac-taac.ca/

Nesbit, W. & Philpott, D.F. (2008).  Language and cognitive ability assumptions: the interface within cultural and special needs contexts. The Morning Watch, 36(3-4).

Philpott, D.F. & Dibbon, D. (2008). The evolution of disability studies amidst school reform in Newfoundland and Labrador. The Morning Watch, 36(1-2).

Nesbit, W. & Philpott, D.F. (2008).  The plight of individuals with cognitive disabilities: Social and educational facets of an arduous evolution. The Morning Watch, 36(1-2).

Philpott, D.F. (2008). Microsoft Word and academic integrity: One family’s successful challenge of an unfair policy. LDAC National. 45(2). www.ldac-taac.ca/NationalNewsletter/

Philpott, D.F. & Nesbit, W. (2007). Home-School Collaboration: A vital interface. The Bulletin. 51(3). www.nlta.nl.ca

Philpott, D.F. (2005) Informed consent in special education: Conceptual definitions and implications for practice. The Morning Watch, 32(1).

Philpott, D.F., Nesbit, W., Cahill, M., & Jeffery, G. (2005). Overview of cultural diversity and education: Interface issues. The Morning Watch, 32(1).

Nesbit, W.  & Philpott, D.F. (2003). Subtle emotional abuse scale. In, Meeting Behavioural Challenges: Creating Safe and Caring Learning Environments. Atlantic Provinces Education Foundation.

Philpott, D.F. (2001). Inclusive education: Reviewing criticism to find direction. The Morning Watch, 28(3-4).

Chapters in books

Young, G., Philpott, D.F., Penney, S.C., Maich, K. & Butler, E. (2021). Quality Early Child Education Mitigates Against Special Educational Needs in Children. Goldan, J., Lambrecht, J. & Loreman, T. (Ed.). Resourcing Inclusive Education (International Perspectives on Inclusive Education, Vol.15), Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 21-34. https://doi.org/10.1108/S1479-363620210000015004

Philpott, D.F. (2015).  Redefining Assessment in Contemporary Classrooms: Shifting Practices and Policies. Chapter 6. In S. Scott, D.E. Scott, & C.F. Webber, (Ed.). Assessment in education: Implications for leadership. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.

Philpott, D.F. (2015).  First Nations Assessment Issues. Chapter 13. In Scott, S., Scott, D.E., & Webber, C.F. (Ed.). In S. Scott, D.E. Scott, & C.F. Webber, (Ed.). Assessment in education: Implications for leadership. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.

Philpott, D.F., Nesbit, W., Cahill, M., & Jeffery, G. (2004). Supporting learner diversity in aboriginal schools: The emergence of a cultural paradigm of inclusion. In W.C. Nesbit (Ed.), Cultural Diversity & Education: Interface Issues (pp. 51-76). St. John’s, NL.

Philpott, D.F., Nesbit, W., Cahill, M., & Jeffery, G. (2004). Educational assessment of First Nations students: A review of the literature. In W.C. Nesbit (Ed.), Cultural Diversity and Education: Interface Issues (pp. 77-102). St. John’s, NL: MUN.

Nesbit, W., Philpott, D.F., Cahill, M., & Jeffery, G. (2004). Pervasive issues in First Nations research: historical and contemporary dimensions. In W.C. Nesbit (Ed.), Cultural Diversity and Education: Interface Issues (pp.1-30). St. John’s, NL: MUN.

Nesbit, W., Philpott, D.F., Jeffery, G. & Cahill, M. (2004). Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in First Nations communities: Educational facets. In W.C. Nesbit (Ed.), Cultural Diversity and Education: Interface Issues (pp. 139-172). St. John’s, NL: MUN.

Cahill, M., Nesbit, W., Philpott, D.F., & Jeffery, G. (2004). Understanding the importance of culture in career development. In W.C. Nesbit (Ed.), Cultural Diversity and Education: Interface Issues (pp. 103-128). St. John’s, NL: MUN.

Cahill, M., Nesbit, W., Philpott, D.F. & Jeffery, G. (2004). From the roots up: Career counselling in native communities. In W.C. Nesbit (Ed.), Cultural Diversity and Education: Interface Issues (pp. 29-138). St. John’s, NL: MUN. 

Research reports

Philpott, D.F. & Miller-Pitt, J. (2023). All Together Now: An Inclusion Strategy for Prince Edward Island. Government of PEI

Philpott, D.F., Penney, S.C., Maich, K., Young, G., & Butler, E. (2019). The Preemptive Nature of Quality Early Child Education on Special Education Needs in Children. Memorial University of NL: St. John’s, NL.

Collins, A., Philpott, D.F., Fushell, M., Wakeham, M. (2017). Now is The Time: Final Report of the Premier’s Task Force on Improving Educational Outcomes. Government of NL.

White, M. & Philpott, D.F. (2014). Growing Education Down to Include the Early Years: Vision & Strategy for Quality ECE in NL. The Jimmy Pratt Foundation.  St. John’s, NL.

Philpott, D.F. (2014). Student Wellness – Report of the review panel on student health and the counseling centre. (Lead writer) Office of the Deputy Provost. St. John’s, NL: MUN.

Philpott, D.F., Kennedy, K, & Greene, M. (2014). Strengthening the Value Chain: Supporting International Students and Building Intercultural Competency at MUN. Office of the Vice-President Academic. St. John’s, NL: MUN.

White, M. & Philpott, D.F. (2013). The Early Years Last a Lifetime: A Discussion Paper for NL. The Jimmy Pratt Foundation. St. John’s, NL.

Philpott, D.F. & Chaulk, E. (2013). Supporting students with individual learning needs associated with disability and/or mental health issues. Office of the Vice-President Academic. St. John’s, NL: MUN.

Philpott, D.F. & Cleyle, S. (2011). Developing an effective first year experience for students with academic challenges. Office of the Vice-President Academic. St. John’s, NL: MUN.

Sharpe, D., Philpott, D.F. & Bourgeoius, M., (2011). Pan-Canadian perspective on the use of e-learning for aboriginal youth: challenges and accommodations. St. John’s, NL: The Killick Centre, MUN. Co-researcher.

Philpott, D.F., Sharpe, D., & Neville, R. (2008). Participation of high school students in the isolated aboriginal communities of coastal Labrador in web-based learning. St. John’s, NL: The Killick Centre, MUN. Co-researcher.

Philpott, D.F. & Cahill, M. (2008). Pan-Canadian review of policy/practice on assessing/accommodating learning disabilities. Ottawa, ON: Learning DisabilitiesAssociation of Canada. Co-researcher.

Philpott, D.F. (2007). Individual assessment reports on all students enrolled at the Newfoundland School for the Deaf. Department of Education: Government of Newfoundland & Labrador. Principal Researcher.

Philpott, D.F. (2007). Focusing on Students: The final report of the ISSP/Pathways Commission. Queen’s Printer: Government of Newfoundland & Labrador. Principal Researcher.

Philpott, D.F. & Dibbon, D. (2006).  A review of the literature on Newfoundland & Labrador’s model of Student Support Services. Report to the ISSP/Pathways Commission. Principal Researcher.

Philpott, D.F. (2006) Updated achievement/attendance indicators on Natuashish students. Report to the Labrador School District. Principal Researcher.

Philpott, D.F., Nesbit, W., Cahill, M., & Jeffery, G. (2005). Enhancing Innu education. Report to the Education Steering Committee. Report to the Federal Department of Indian and Northern Affairs. Principal Researcher.

Philpott, D.F., Nesbit, W., Cahill, M., & Jeffery, G. (2005). Recommendations for an effective model of Innu education. Report to the Federal Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. Principal Researcher.

Philpott, D.F., Nesbit, W., Cahill, M., & Jeffery, G. (2004).  An educational profile of the learning needs of Innu youth: Confidential final report. Report to the Federal Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. Principal Researcher.

Philpott, D.F., Nesbit, W., Cahill, M., & Jeffery, G. (2004). An educational profile of the learning needs of Innu youth: Brief summary of findings. Report to the Federal Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. Principal Researcher.

Presentations - Academic

(2021) Data Repositories for Early Child Development. Early Childhood Collaborative Research Project. Mount Saint Vincent University (Webinar)

(2019) Reducing special education with quality early child education. Keynote: The Early Learning Summit. Government of BC. Vancouver, BC

(2019) The pre-emptive nature of quality ECE on lowering special education enrolment. 89th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences (Higher Education). Vancouver, BC.

(2017) Professionalizing the early child education sector: Lessons afforded by the Premier’s task force on improving educational outcomes. The Atlantic Canada Institute on early Child Education. Halifax, NS.

(2015) Developing collaborative teaching and learning initiatives in support of diversity and inclusive practices in higher education. The Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Vancouver, BC (with M. Greene)

(2015) Bridging divides: building an inclusive university campus. 84th Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences (Higher Education). Ottawa, ON.

(2015) The role of philanthropic foundations in informing public policy in early child education. Oxford Roundtable. Oxford University, UK.

(2015) Growing education down to include the early years: Informing public policy.  The XIII International Conference on Education and Pedagogy. The World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. Venice, Italy.

(2015) Developing pan-university collaborative initiatives in support of diversity and inclusive campuses. The XIII International Conference on Education and Pedagogy. The World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Venice, Italy.

(2015) Roundtable on early childhood development (ECD) in First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities. Canada’s Public Policy Forum. Halifax, NS

(2014) Nurturing Passion and Creativity in Teaching and Learning Through Inclusive Practices n Post-Secondary Education Systems. International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Quebec City, QC.

(2012) Supporting quality in integrated early childcare setting. Panel facilitator at Learning to Care Conference. Toronto, ON.

(2012) Voices heard: Changing the institutional culture at university. AAU Teaching Showcase. Fredericton, NB. (with Johnson, A)

(2012) Crossing and Redefining Boundaries: The process of developing a pan-university collaborative pilot project to support the first-year experience for students with academic challenges. 25th Annual International Conference on the First Year Experience. Vancouver, BC.

(2012) Delivering web-based learning to aboriginal secondary school students in isolated communities. International Technology Conference, Education and Development (INTED). Valencia, Spain. (with Sharpe, D.)

(2011) Meeting the challenge: E-learning in aboriginal communities. Association for theAdvancement of Computing in Education (AACE) Ed Media Conference. Lisbon, Portugal. (with Sharpe, D.)

(2011) Growth of e-learning in small remote aboriginal communities: Implications for university teacher education programs. CCA-EDUCAUSE. Sydney, Australia. (with Sharpe, D.)

(2011) Aboriginal e-learning in Canada: What works? American Association for Computers in Education- Global Learn Asia Pacific. Melbourne, Australia (with Sharpe, D. & Bourgeois, M.)

(2011) Motivation in high school student success: The case of Aboriginal e-learners in rural and remote Canada. Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI. (with Sharpe, D. & Bourgeois, M.)

(2010) Where to go from here? A Canadian perspective on aboriginal e-learning. Edge Conference 2010. MUN, St. John’s, NL.

(2010) Delivering web-based courses to high school students in isolated aboriginal communities: challenges and options.  International Conference on Education, Economy & Society. Paris, FR

(2010) The challenges of improving synchronous web-based high school course delivery in isolated aboriginal community settings. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education. San Diego, CA.

(2010) Teacher as assessor: Empowering teachers to identify and respond to individual need. Keynote to Treaty Four Educational Conference. Regina, SK.

(2009) Improving the success rate in distance delivered high school courses in isolated aboriginal communities in Labrador.  Edge Conference 2009. MUN, St. John’s, NL.

(2009) A place for assessment in a culturally inclusive environment. Differences: Ignore, separate, or work together? Provincial conference on Special Education. Regina, SK. 

(2009) The effectiveness of web-delivered learning with aboriginal students. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference.  University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.

(2008) Assessment of aboriginal students: cautions, models and direction. University of Calgary – invited lecture series. Calgary, AB.

(2008) Career planning implications for individuals with FASD. Canadian Association for Supported Employment, National conference. Vancouver, BC.

(2008) Assessing children with Tourette Syndrome: Challenges and directions. Keynote address to National conference of Tourette Syndrome Association. St. John’s, NL.

(2008) Challenging the dis-empowerment of families in special education. Key note address to the Newfoundland & Labrador Federation of School Councils AGM. St. John’s, NL.

(2008) Assessing without labels: Inclusive education in the Canadian context. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference.  University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.

(2008) The evolution of disability studies amidst school reform in Newfoundland & Labrador. Symposium 2008: Post-Confederation educational reform-rhetoric to reality. MUN.

(2007) Pan-Canadian review of policy/practice for assessment and accommodation of students with learning disabilities. National conference of the Learning Disabilities Association of Canada. St. John’s, NL.

(2007) National policy on accommodating students with learning disabilities. National conference of the Learning Disabilities Association of Canada. St. John’s, NL.

(2006) Beyond the clichés: Career counselling for diversity. American Counselling Association and Canadian Counselling Association International conference. Montreal, QC.

(2006) Overcoming socio-economic barriers. National youth at risk symposium. The Learning Partnership: Vancouver, BC.

(2005) Educational assessment of Aboriginal youth. National Symposium on Aboriginal Special Education. First Nations University of Canada, Regina SK.

(2005) Assessing language needs among Innu Youth. 12th Annual Stabilizing Indigenous Languages Symposium. University of Victoria, Victoria, BC.

(2003) Identifying learner diversity in Canada’s North. The Learning Conference. University of London, UK

(2001) Legislative provisions for special education in Newfoundland and Labrador. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference.  Laval University, Quebec City, QC.

(1998) Empowering students with learning disabilities. Canadian Counselling Association Annual Conference. Calgary, AB.

(1996) More than mere vanity: Men with eating disorders. Canadian Counselling Association Annual Conference. Vancouver, BC.

(1995) Learning strategy instruction: Empowering students with learning disabilities. Canadian Counselling Association Annual Conference. St. John’s, NL.

Presentations - Professional

(2019) The pre-emptive nature of quality ECE on lowering special education enrolment. Atkinson Center, OISE - UofToronto. Toronto ON.

(2019) The pre-emptive nature of quality ECE on lowering special education enrolment. The Early Learning Summit. Government of BC. Vancouver, BC.

(2015) Integrated Models of Early Child Care: Opportunities for NL. Eastern School District and Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.

(2015) Prioritizing Early Child Education. Public forum on the future of child care in NL. St. John’s, NL

(2014) The role of educational assessment in identifying childhood disabilities – a presentation to the pediatric interns. Faculty of Medicine, MUN, St. John’s, NL.

(2013) The Early Years Last a Life Time. The Pratt Foundation symposium. St. John’s, NL.

(2013) Current issues in Special Education. Public Forum by NDP. St. John’s, NL.

(2013) Implications of the Moore case –Supreme Court of Canada. Public Forum by Learning Disabilities Association of Canada. St. John’s, NL.

(2010) Inclusive Education: Current trends and legal issues (Panel participant). National Conference of Canadian Association of Statutory Human Rights Agencies. St. John’s, NL.

(2009) Identifying Learning Disabilities: The role of the family doctor. Faculty of Medicine, MUN, St. John’s, NL.

(2008) Collaborating for a voice. Public forum on family involvement in ISSP planning. Hosted by Coalition of Persons with Disabilities. St. John’s, NL.

(2008) The ISSP/Pathways report: Implications for parents of students with learning disabilities.Public presentation hosted by Learning Disabilities Association of NL. St. John’s, NL.

(2006) Contemporary understandings of inclusive education. Visiting delegation from Iceland. Faculty of Education.  MUN. St. John’s, NL.

(2006) Comprehensive assessments: Blending quantitative and qualitative approaches. Full day seminar for Eastern School District. St. John’s, NL.

(2006) Authentic assessment practices for inclusive classrooms: implications for aboriginal students. National conference of First Nations educators. Winnipeg, MB.

(2005) Learning Disabilities: Early identification, diagnosis and remediation. Occupational Therapists of Eastern Health Care Corporation. St. John’s, NL.

(2005) Theoretical understanding of inclusive education. Leary’s Brook Intermediate School. St. John’s, NL.

(2005) Learning needs of Aboriginal youth in Newfoundland. New Teachers Institute for Labrador School Board. MUN. St. John’s, NL.

(2005) Learning leads to earning: Enhancing post-secondary participation for Aboriginal youth. Invited guest at symposium hosted by President of First Nations University of Canada, Regina, SK.

(2005) Culturally defined inclusive education. Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. Education Division. Ottawa, ON.

(2004) Culturally appropriate assessment. Support planning team – Department of Education. Government of Nunavut.  Arviat, NU.

(2004) Childhood onset disabilities: symptomology. Third year students. Faculty of Medicine, MUN. St. John’s, NL.

(2004) The learning needs of aboriginal youth. New Teachers Institute for Labrador School Board.  MUN. St. John’s, NL.

(2004) Collaborative practice and interdepartmental research. Visiting delegation from Vietnam. School of Social Work.  MUN. St. John’s, NL.

(2004) Educational assessments as career planning tools. Y Employment Counselling Program. St. John’s, NL.

(2004) Collaborative planning. Parent Support Group for Children with OCD. St. John’s, NL.

(2003) Phenomenological study of parents’ experience with ISSP’s. Presented doctorate dissertation to Tourette’s/OCD Association of Newfoundland and Labrador.

(2002) Learning Disorders: Pearls of recognition and diagnosis. Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Association Annual Conference. MUN. St. John’s, NL.

(2002) Culturally appropriate assessment: Blending qualitative and quantitative indicators. Nunavut Department of Education, Arviat, NU.

(2002) Blending formal and informal assessments. Canadian Association of Rehabilitation Professionals, Newfoundland & Labrador Division. St. John’s, NL.

(2001) Teaching to ability: The role of formal and informal assessment. Lakecrest Independent School, St. John’s, NL

(1999) A role for schools in the new Youth Justice Act. Presentation to Round Table Panel on proposed new legislation. National Justice Department, Ottawa, ON.

(1998-2000) Community building skills in today’s classroom. Series of presentations delivered within Avalon East School Board.

(1997-2000) Diverse student populations: Inclusive practices in today’s classrooms. Series of presentations delivered within Avalon East School Board.


University & Community

2005-2019 Program Lead – Special Education

Responsibilities include organizing course offering and coordinating instructors, facilitating collaborative planning with associated faculty, working with sessionals in course development and delivery, leading course development and redevelopment, liaising with undergraduate and graduate offices in problem solving, liaising with community agencies and government, promoting and encouraging research among faculty and students in the field of special education.

2016-2017 Chair- Review of Bachelor of Special Education degree.

2014 MUN Review Panel- Student Health and Counselling Center. Panel member to review the student health center and the counselling center to explore possibility of an integrated student wellness approach. Wrote the final report.

2013-14 MUN Teaching and Learning Framework, Co-Lead – Supporting students from other cultures. Responsible for progressing the University's Teaching and Learning Framework initiative in the area of support services for vulnerable students. Lead an Advisory Working Group comprised of members of the university to review existing policies and services for students from other cultures.

2012-13 MUN Teaching and Learning Framework, Co-Lead – Supporting students with disabilities/mental health issues. Responsible for progressing the University's Teaching and Learning Framework initiative in the area of support services for vulnerable students. Lead an Advisory Working Group comprised of members of the university and the College of North Atlantic to review existing policies and services for students with individualized learning needs.

2011-12 MUN Teaching and Learning Framework, Co-Lead – First Year Success Program Responsible for progressing the University's Teaching and Learning Framework initiative in the area of support services for new and existing students. Lead an Advisory Working Group comprised of members of the university who provide Academic and Non-Academic Support. Develop a focused and effective support plan for first year students who struggle academically. Review all other existing services for ongoing support planning

2011    Chair - Committee for Undergraduate Studies, Faculty of Education, MUN

2011    Search Committee, Dean - Faculty of Education

2011    Search Committee, Special Advisor to Vice-President Academic

2010    Search Committee, Faculty Search Committee (3 positions)

2009    Promotion & Tenure Committee

2008    Search Committee, Faculty Search Committee (Special Education)

2007    Search Committee, Faculty Search Committee (3 positions)

2006    Search Committee, Associate Dean, Graduate Programs

2006    Search Committee, Faculty Search Committee (Special Education)

2006    Committee on Graduate Programs, Faculty of Education, MUN

2006    Committee on Committees, Faculty of Education, MUN

2005    Special Senate Ad hoc Committee (Review student appeal)

2005    Chair, Faculty Search Committee

2004    Dean’s Advisory Committee on Aboriginal Education

2004    Pilot Committee for Student Assessment (MUN Counselling Centre)

2003    Review Committee of Special Education Degree Program

2002    Review Committee for Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies

2001    Selection Committee for MUN’S Volunteer of the Year

2000    Committee for Undergraduate Studies, Faculty of Education, MUN


2020-24 Board Vice-Chair, Child and Youth Advocacy Center. St. John’s

2018-24    Board Chair, St. John’s Gay Men’s Chorus

2009-20   Editorial Board, Exceptionality Education International

2010-21    Director. The Jimmy Pratt Family Foundation

2016    Member. Premier’s Task Force on Improving Educational Outcomes. NL Government.

2013-20    Editorial Board, International Journal for Leadership in Learning

2008    Board Chair. Newman Sound Men’s Choir Inc.

2006    Board of Directors - Learning Disabilities Association of Newfoundland

2006    Advisor, ISSP/Pathways Review Commission, Government of Newfoundland

2003-13   Editorial Board, International Journal of Disability Studies and CommunityRehabilitation

2000    Governor General’s Canadian Study Tour (selected among top 200 Canadians under 40 years of age who are in national leadership roles)

2000    President, Newfoundland Chapter of Council for Exceptional Children.

1999    National Youth Justice Advisory Council. Government of Canada (appointed to committee to implement new Federal Youth Justice Act)

1998    National Board Member, Canadian Council for Exceptional Children.

1998    National Board Member, Canadian Counselling Association (Chaired the Professional Development Committee)

1995    HR Chair. St. Francis Foundation. St. John’s, NL

1987    Chair, Newfoundland Association for Independent Living

1985    Provincial Board member. Newfoundland Association for Community Living.